A135 HEPA Installed at the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

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A135 HEPA Installed at the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

Our team recently installed an A135 HEPA Workstation at the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen. Home to the largest concentration of nutrition researchers anywhere in the UK, the Rowett Institute has been involved in the frontiers of nutritional research for over 100 years.

Since the turn of the millennium, research has focused on how nutritional understanding can benefit the food and pharmaceutical industries; striving to make the population healthier.

The new addition of the A135 HEPA brings the total number of Whitley Workstations at the Rowett Institute to 4 - and with its large capacity of 560L - the A135 will allow the Gut Microbiology group to perform high throughput testing; assessing the ability of gut anaerobic bacteria to utilise food-derived substrates.

Fitted with the unique Whitley Internal HEPA Filtration System; all the atmosphere in the A135 passes through the filter hundreds of times an hour, which ensures that the chamber environment is cleaned quickly. To learn more about our HEPA filtration, watch this video.

Pictured above with their new workstation are Gillian Donachie, Jenny Martin and Freda Farquharson from the Rowett Institute.


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