Anaerobes. Where to Start?

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Introduction to Clinical Anaerobic Bacteriology

Introduction to Clinical Anaerobic Bacteriology

To a newcomer, the field of anaerobic research can seem intimidatingly vast. With so many varieties of anaerobes, and differing means of culturing them, you may find yourself wondering whether the method you are using is really the most efficient and cost-effective.

The first thing you need to consider is the type of anaerobe you are cultivating, whilst aerotolerant organisms and facultative anaerobes will not be harmed by a small amount of oxygen, obligate anaerobes require a completely oxygen-free environment.

We have recently produced a useful reference guide: An Introduction to Clinical Anaerobic Bacteriology which enables the reader to isolate and identify 12 commonly occurring and clinically important anaerobic bacteria.

What are my options for creating an anaerobic environment?


Whitley Jar Gassing System

Whitley Jar Gassing System

There are several options available, ranging in size, sophistication and cost. If you are only processing a very small quantity of samples, then an anaerobic jar may be sufficient for your needs. Our jars come in two sizes: 3L or 10L, and will accommodate 10 and 48 plates respectively. Constructed from stainless steel, they can be used with either gas-generating envelopes, cylinders of anaerobic gas mixture or the Whitley Jar Gassing System.

In the long-term, however, the Whitley Jar Gassing System provides a more cost-effective alternative. This system will enable you to create perfect conditions for growing anaerobes in just 2 minutes, for less than 18 pence, and for microaerophiles in 15 seconds for less than 3 pence (compared with about £1.60 for every gas generating kit used).


Whitley A35 Anaerobic Workstation

Whitley A35 Anaerobic     Workstation

If your throughput is larger, you may require the capacity which an anaerobic workstation can offer. Our anaerobic range contains something to suit every laboratory, with provision for containing maximums of between 600 and 1400 Petri dishes. A workstation allows you to control temperature and humidity, and also to run more than one experiment at a time; using the airlock ensures that the conditions remain unaltered while samples are added or removed.

Why should I choose Don Whitley Scientific?

We have nearly 40 years’ experience in this industry, and since the beginning we have striven for excellence in both our products and our customer service.

Don Whitley Scientific Mobile Demonstration Unit

Don Whitley Scientific Mobile Demonstration Unit

We have an expert sales team, one of whom can come and provide you with a demonstration or simply discuss your requirements and options. We also invite prospective customers to visit our head office to see how we operate, and observe the quality of our work.

We have the benefit of an in-house laboratory where our products are tested and used by working microbiologists on a daily basis – meaning that we are constantly learning how to tailor our equipment to better meet the user’s needs.

We deliver comprehensive training on all our products, and provide technical support after installation. In the event of a fault, one of our service engineers will contact you – and if the problem cannot be solved remotely – he will usually be on-site within 24 hours.


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