Did You Know: about HEPA Filtration?

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Did You Know: about HEPA Filtration?

HEPA, or High Efficiency Particulate Air, is a filtration system which ensures the utmost product protection for your samples.

Unlike competitor systems that draw atmosphere out of the workstation before filtering and reintroducing it, Don Whitley Scientific has created a unique design, which is housed completely inside the workstation. Housing the HEPA system inside the chamber prevents the build-up of moisture which renders HEPA filters ineffective, and cleans the internal atmosphere quickly.

Using innovative circulation technology, all the atmosphere in the chamber passes through the filter 900 times every hour. This quickly creates and maintains an environment exceeding the level of atmospheric cleanliness stipulated by ISO 14644, referenced in the Cell Tissue Culture Directive as the recommended standard for the handling of mammalian cells. We achieve levels of atmospheric cleanliness exceeding the requirements of Class 3 of this standard, which to the best of our knowledge is better than any other manufacturer.

There are currently three Whitley Workstations available with HEPA filtration:

A35 HEPA Anaerobic Workstation
H35 HEPA Hypoxystation
H45 HEPA Hypoxystation.

Proof of the atmospheric cleanliness achieved during the rigorous tests conducted on every HEPA workstation before dispatch is available on request. Please contact us for more information.

This video demonstrates the effectiveness of our system.


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