Did You Know: about Quality Counts?

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Did You Know: about Quality Counts?

When you purchase a WASP (Whitley Automated Spiral Plater), you have the option to join our Quality Counts scheme. Free of charge for the first 12 months, this programme provides valuable assurance that your WASP is functioning correctly and that samples are being analysed accurately.

Subscribers to the scheme will receive a sample on a monthly basis. Each customer simply spiral plates the sample and then sends the result back to our laboratory. Don Whitley Scientific will then collate the results and advise as to whether or not you are within specification. Should your results fall outside acceptable limits, we will offer advice, training or service facilities as appropriate.

If you choose to continue your subscription after the first year, discounts are available for organisations wishing to cover more than one WASP with the scheme.

Please contact us for more information.

Please note: This scheme is only available to customers in the UK and Eire.


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