Did you know: Pipettes fit into a 12 litre airlock

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Did you know: Pipettes fit into a 12 litre airlock

This is the ninth in our ‘Did you know’ series of articles introducing things you may not know about the Whitley range of products and services – read on and you may find out something about your workstation that could make your working life easier.

Did you know that 10ml pipettes and pipette fillers fit comfortably into a Hypoxystation 12 litre airlock? It might be small enough that it takes only 60 seconds to perform a full cycle but the Hypoxystation airlock has been designed with your working accessories in mind.

The 12 litre airlock will also accommodate:

  • Up to 44 x 96 well plates
  • Up to 84 x T25 culture flasks
  • Up to 8 x T175 culture flasks


LumaScope in Whitley Airlock

LumaScope in Whitley Airlock

What other items can a Whitley Airlock accommodate?

The Hypoxystation airlock accommodates a range of other laboratory equipment, for example, the  LumaScope™ Live Cell Imaging Platform. It is easy to transfer into and out of the workstation using the airlock (as shown in the picture) and can sit underneath the shelf, to be pulled to the front of the chamber for use. If your Hypoxystation has a half shelf, the LumaScope™ can sit to one side and be ready for regular use.

What if I have a particular item in mind for use in a Hypoxystation?

If you have any concerns about equipment and accessories fitting into a Whitley Airlock, or would like to discuss a particular item that you would like to use inside a Hypoxystation chamber, please get in touch with our sales team:

Whitley Hypoxystation 12 Litre Airlock

Whitley Hypoxystation 12 Litre Airlock

Tel: 01274 595728


Email: sales@dwscientific.co.uk







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