Did You Know: The A55 is a Dual Temperature Workstation?

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Did You Know: The A55 is a Dual Temperature Workstation?

Whilst the Whitley A55 Anaerobic Workstation’s large capacity allows two people to work side-by-side in the same environmental conditions, this workstation is unique in our range as it can also be supplied with a central partition to separate the workstation into two chambers. This permits the user to select different temperature/humidity combinations for each side of the workstation.

Can I transfer samples between the two chambers internally?
A manually operated, sliding door within the partition allows for convenient sample transfer between the chambers.

What is the maximum temperature differential that can be achieved in each chamber?
A maximum temperature differential of approximately 8˚C can be achieved between the two chambers.

Can I restrict who can adjust the environmental conditions?

There are security levels in place to restrict who is authorised to adjust temperature and humidity.

How can I check the relative humidity inside the chamber?
The relative humidity inside each chamber, expressed as a percentage, is always displayed on the main screen.

For more information please contact us directly.


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