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East Midlands Microbiome Research Network

Don Whitley Scientific was delighted to attend the East Midlands Microbiome Research Network (EMMRN) at the University of Leicester on 3 July. Over 100 researchers from universities across the region and a range of industry representatives had the opportunity to listen to a diverse selection of microbiome-related talks, covering everything from leaf-cutter ants to the preterm infant gut microbiota. Here, we exhibited a Whitley Workstation, Whitley WASP Touch, Whitley Media Conditioner and ProtoCOL3 Plus.

As part of our involvement with the event, we sponsored the poster prize for early career researchers. Event organiser, Lesley Hoyles, Professor of Microbiome and Systems Biology at the Nottingham Trent University, is a long-standing customer of DWS. She introduced the prize winners, "Jasmine Speranza and Panashe Kativu, both from the University of Leicester, impressed the judges with their work. Jasmine’s work focused on investigating the gut microbiome using a Drosophila melanogaster model of Huntington’s disease. While Panashe’s work investigated the role of the microbiome in colorectal cancer and response to preventive therapies."

We congratulate both researchers and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

If you are interested in a demo of any of the products we showcased at the EMMRN, contact us using the form below, or browse our website for more information.

WASP Touch


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