Hypoxic Microenvironments – Cell Press Nucleus

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Hypoxic Microenvironments  – Cell Press Nucleus

Don Whitley Scientific and HypOxygen, our US distributor, partnered with Cell Press to sponsor a research-based nucleus focusing on cells in low oxygen. The Cell Press webinar on “Hypoxic Microenvironments” was a great opportunity to hear Randall Johnson of the Karolinska Institute speak about the hypoxia response in the context of metastasis, and Hannele Ruohola-Baker of the University of Washington talk about the role of hypoxia factors in the reprogramming of somatic cells.

We believe our commitment to providing the most reliable, precise and robust equipment for physiological cell culture helps our users to carry out their research, and we are happy to be a small part of that. Whitley Hypoxystations create an in vivo environment for cell culture and manipulation, for the duration of the incubation including functional studies at low oxygen.

If you want to check back into the webinar, the on-demand version is available here. The Cell Press nucleus comprising selected papers on cancer, inflammation, stem cells and neural development, offers valuable insights into hypoxia as it relates to function and disease, too.



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