Cycling Challenge Raises £430,000

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Cycling Challenge Raises £430,000

A huge ‘Well done’ to Judith Walton who recently returned from undertaking a gruelling cycling challenge in Tanzania and Zanzibar. She was part of a team of 80 women who undertook the challenge to raise money for Genesis Research Trust – and the group as a whole (140 people) managed to raise a massive £430,000.

Judith’s journal of her time there describes how they cycled up to 103km (that’s 64 miles) a day in temperatures of over 35°C and 86% humidity on sandy, uneven roads. She mentions at one point, “Some smells along the way have been fantastic and some I never want to smell again.” The group took with them supplies of chalks, pens, pencils, toothbrushes and sweets. These gifts were delivered to schools along their route and handed out to local children, who though poor and barefoot, were a constant source of encouragement to the cyclists.


At the end of the trip Judith explains how all the exhausted cyclists gathered together on the beach at sunset to light a candle and reflect in silence on the reasons why they were all undertaking this gigantic personal challenge. Then they each floated a flower to represent their individual thoughts. Judith comments: “The atmosphere was electric. I have never been part of anything so moving in my life …”

Genesis Research Trust raises money for the largest UK-based collection of scientists and clinicians who are researching the causes and cures for conditions that affect the health of women and babies.

Judith’s next challenge for the Genesis Research Trust is a 1,000 mile cycle ride from John O’Groats to Lands End (JOGLE) in May 2015. For anyone wishing to sponsor Judith, this is a link to her ‘Just Giving’ page and any further donations will go to JOGLE.


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