Service Training Week for Overseas Distributors

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Service Training Week for Overseas Distributors

During the last week of November Don Whitley Scientific hosted a service training course in Shipley for some of our overseas distributors. Attending the event were representatives from:

  • Labconsult (Belgium)
  • VWR (Norway)
  • Davidson & Hardy (Ireland)
  • Diamedica OU (Estonia)
  • JinSun Uni-Tech (Korea)

All attendees received extensive training on how to install and maintain the Whitley Workstation range, as well as an introduction to the new A95 Anaerobic Chamber.  Such training is a crucial requirement for our distributors as they act as our representatives all around the world and we need to ensure they are as confident at maintaining this equipment as our own service team are.

After a hectic schedule and lots of new information to take in, the team took a few hours off at the end of the week. Here’s  a photo of them enjoying some bracing British weather at local beauty spot Bolton Abbey, with Tom Walton and Alun Kitsell of Don Whitley Scientific. The recent deluge that the UK has been suffering did not dampen spirits, although the muddy trek from the car park tried its best to do so! After a refreshing walk around the Abbey, the church and surrounding countryside, the group retired to The Tempest Arms at Elslack for a well deserved dinner.


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