Stem Cell Research in Stockholm

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Stem Cell Research in Stockholm


Stem cell researchers from all over the world are currently convening in Stockholm for the annual meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). Topics covered in the event range from pluripotency and differentiation through regeneration to disease modelling and tissue engineering. All aspects of reprogramming and stem cell maintenance on the one hand, and differentiation on the other hand, are intricately influenced by the cellular microenvironment. Oxygenation is a crucial parameter throughout all these processes, both in the natural stem cell niche and during culture in the lab. Low oxygen promotes efficient expansion of stem cells in culture while supporting maintenance of the stem cell phenotype. Hypoxia can increase the proliferation rate and inhibit senescence of stem cells, and promote healing directly and through paracrine effects. Therapies utilizing hypoxic cells exhibit improved homing and engraftment to the target tissues as compared to normoxia. Hypoxia is a major determinant of many diverse aspects of stem cell biology.
Don Whitley Scientific will be at the event exhibiting their largest cell culture workstation to date – the Whitley H135 Hypoxystation.


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