Don Whitley Scientific have a number of workstation grants available to those who use a Whitley Workstation or Hypoxystation in their research. They are awarded with £250, which would provide additional funding to travel or accommodation when presenting a scientific poster.
Rhiannon Leyden-Preece and John Heap were awarded the travel grant for their poster titled, "Orthogonal synthetic promoter libraries: To explore design spaces unconstrained by cloning host tolerance". This poster focused on the genetics of Clostridium spp., more specifically how the level of certain expressed transcription factors affect the promoter. They aimed to design a system where the initiation of Clostridium translation was optimised. To culture Clostridium, they used a Whitley DG250 Workstation (comparable to the Whitley A20 Anaerobic Workstation). To read the full poster:
The next grant was awarded to Giuseppe Taurino, for his presentation titled, "Primary bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells secrete citrate and take up glutamate under physiological culture conditions". They aimed to profile the metabolism of primary bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells derived from different donors under hypoxic conditions and in a plasma-like advanced medium. To achieve the optimal hypoxic conditions they required, they used a Whitley H35 Hypoxystation. To read the full presentation: